Our Anderson Mill Station has a lot of activity now that it’s manned and the trucks are again running out of the station once again. It’s been a lot of work and dedication, not only from our Fire Chief, Scott Garrett, Asst. Chief Tracy Williams and Admin. Generalist Karen Osorio; but a special thanks for the hard work from our Capts. Joe Kennedy, Darby Rollins, Robert Grizzle, LT’s Josh Burnett, Josh Hannigan, Jason Merchant, and every Full and Part-time Firefighter on A, B and C shifts and our volunteer Kristina Hayes! It took every member to get this done, and we do want to thank all of them!
We are very proud of this station. The location and phone number information is:
4247 Anderson Mill Rd.
Moore, SC 29369
Phone: 864-310-6725
We also want to thank our Board of Commissioners, Board Chairwoman Kimberly Jolley, Vice-Chairman Jimmy Trout, Commissioners Todd Gilmore, Jack Mason and Bobby Wilder for all of their continued support of WFFD and of course our Westview-Fairforest Community for also helping to make this possible.
We have Car Seat Technicians available at both our station locations. We do installations by appointment, so please call ahead to make an appointment.
WFFD – Setting the Standard!