Students are headed back to school, and that means more children and buses on the roads.
The greatest risk to a child isn’t riding a bus, but approaching or leaving one. From 2008 to 2017, there were 264 school-age children killed in school-transportation-related crashes. The majority of those students weren’t on the bus; 203 were either walking, waiting for the bus, biking, or in another vehicle.
You may need to add more time to your commute, because when buses stop to pick up students, other drivers need to stop, too.
School buses are the safest way for children to travel to and from school. Your child should arrive at the bus stop at least 5 minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive. Teach them to play it SAFE:
In addition to practicing and modeling safe behaviors with your children, ask your school principal if there is a Safe Routes to School program or other school-based safety committees and initiatives you can get involved in.
Riding your bike can be a fun and quick way to get to school. Be sure to do these simple things to keep your bike ride safe:
For some teens, back to school also means the new-found freedom of driving. You should keep these things in mind when driving to school:
Let this school year be a safe one for everyone. Stay alert, whether you’re a driver, walker, bicyclist, bus rider, or parent.
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