Seventh grader Christopher Henderson (second from left) from Oakbrook Prep School presents the Westview-Fairforest Fire Department with thank you cards that included $25 gift cards to Outback Steak House.
Doing this was the students way to honor what our brave men and women do. The students had a service project and a group of the Oakbrook students took this project on to show their appreciation for the sacrifices that our men and women make. They actually had a bake sale to earn money to purchase the 14 – $25 gift cards from Outback Steak House – that’s Fantastic!
We appreciate so much what the 7th Graders of Oakbrook did for all our firefighters at WFFD. Their words of encouragement meant so more than they know. We are so blessed and thank them so much!
Pictured are Coach Jason Haltiwanger, Oakbrook Student Christopher Henderson, Firefighter Blake Cole, Capt. Derrick Miller and Capt. Robert Grizzle.
John 15:13
Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends