Posted on April 21, 2021 in News
The South Carolina Forestry Commission is calling for a Red Flag Fire Alert for Wednesday and Thursday, April 21 and 22 AND HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2021. The alert will go into effect Wednesday at 7 a.m.
The alert is likely to be lifted after Thursday when relative humidity rises and overall fire danger abates. “With the National Weather Service predicting steady winds at 15-20 mph and relative humidity values as low as 25%, we
really want to ask people to consider postponing their outdoor burning until the weekend when conditions improve,” said SCFC Fire Chief Darryl Jones. “Low relative humidity presents enough wildfire risk on its own, but when
coupled with sustained winds for two consecutive days, the need for vigilance is very much heightened.”
A Red Flag Fire Alert does trigger certain county or local ordinances that restrict outdoor fires, so residents should contact their local fire departments to check whether such restrictions apply in their areas.
The alert will remain in effect until lifted by the Commission, whose fire managers will continuously monitor the situation.
The Red Flag is flown below the American Flag when there is a Burn Ban at your local fire department. For more information you can contact the SC Forestry website at